Monitoring and Evaluation Services
Monitoring and evaluation are important tools to help us understand how policies, projects or services are being implemented and to measure how effective and impactful they are. The results can be used for a number of purposes such as:
- To satisfy the requirements of a funder – i.e. to show how their money has used and what it has achieved
- To help demonstrate impact – i.e. to boost your profile and potentially secure further funding
- To understand what is working well (or not) – i.e. to inform continuous improvement
- To give participants or service users a voice – i.e. engage beneficiaries in shaping delivery
- To contribute to the evidence base of ‘what works’ – i.e. to share the learning and support the commissioning of future interventions
A good monitoring framework will enable relevant data and information to be captured on a continuous basis. It will also provide the foundations for systematic evaluation in order to demonstrate whether the intervention has worked (and how). Southern Horizons (UK) Ltd has a strong track record in delivering robust monitoring and evaluation services which are helping organisations to make informed decisions and providing evidence for future delivery.
We have also delivered in excess of 20 Department of Levelling Up, Homes and Communities (DLUHC) summative assessments locally across Somerset, Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and elsewhere in the country. Covering both capital and revenue interventions, this includes projects in Priority Axis 1 (covering research and innovation), Priority Axis 2 (covering digital technology) Priority Axis 3 (covering business support, entrepreneurship support and grant funding), Priority Axis 4 (covering low carbon), Priority Axis 6 (covering resource efficiency) and Priority Axis 9 (covering Technical Assistance).
Featured Case Studies:
Interreg Evaluation
Project: FLAVOUR
Client: Plymouth Marjon University on behalf of HERWIN
We provided evaluation and critical friend support services for the Interreg funded Flavour project with Lorna Bell Research. Flavour was a multi-partnered project spanning Belgium, France and the UK focusing on food surplus and labour. It aimed to learn from the experience of delivering 15 separate pilot initiatives to create new business models that maximise underused resources and create jobs for people far from the labour market. As well as delivering a longitudinal evaluation of the project we supported the Marjon team and other partners with advice and guidance as well as practical support for its effective delivery.
ESF Evaluation
Project: Developing Skills for Business
Client: The Cornwall College Group
Working with Buckman Associates we completed an evaluation of the ESF Developing Skills for Business project, managed by The Cornwall College Group (TCCG) on behalf of a consortium of sector based delivery leads. DS4B aimed to provide a strategic approach to developing employer-led skills with businesses and, in focusing on businesses rather than individuals, was one of the first projects of its kind within the C&IoS allocation of ESIF Priority Axis 2. The purpose of the evaluation was deliver insights into the project’s design and delivery; performance against targets; and, outcomes and impacts. The assignment was delivered in three stages. In stage 1 – the initial formative evaluation – we designed an evaluation plan and data collection methods. Stage 2 – the interim evaluation – involved a ‘light touch’ assessment to support continuous improvement for the project team, focusing primarily on the project’s early performance and lessons from delivery. Stage 3 – the summative assessment – provided a full evaluation of all activity with a more substantial focus on outcomes and impacts as well as lessons learned.
ERDF Summative Assessments
Project: Isles of Scilly Voucher Schemes and Strategic Technical Assistance Team Project
Client: Council of the Isles of Scilly
Working with Buckman Associates Ltd we delivered DLUHC compliant summative assessments of the Isles of Scilly Voucher Scheme projects 1 and 2 which were both part-funded through the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (C&IoS) European Structural and Investment Funds. In addition to a desk-based review of documentation, the research on both occasions included a telephone survey of grant recipients, in-depth case studies with beneficiaries, a workshop with the delivery team and conversations with a strategic selection of stakeholders. The assessments provided an objective and contextualised evaluation of the projects’ progress and achievements, management and delivery as well as its outcomes, impacts and Value for Money, concluding with lessons learned, particularly for an island economy. Building on this work, Rebekah went on to complete a summative assessment of the IoS Strategic Technical Assistance Team Project which was designed to support ERDF applicants develop compliant, eligible and good-value projects for the Isles of Scilly and ensure linkages with other programme-wide activities.
Longitudinal Evaluation
Longitudinal Evaluation
Project: Working with Families
Client: Southampton City Council
Working with Dr Zoë James from the University of Plymouth we completed a three-year evaluation of the Working with Families project on behalf of Southampton City Council. This project was based on a service wide application of restorative principles across Southampton’s Children and Families Directorate and the purpose of the evaluation is to ensure that formative learning influenced the development of the project but also to draw summative conclusions on processes and impact measures. Since completing this work Zoë and Rebekah have gone on to support the Southampton team in evaluating how well Systemic Practice is being embedded as a continuation of this journey.